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Saheed Salaudeen

Saheed Salaudeen

Purchasing Coordinator
Saheed Salaudeen
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Can we meet you?
I am Saheed Salaudeen, the purchasing coordinator at The Wheatbaker Hotel. I'm a very reserved individual and principled, I'm a practicing Muslim, I put God first in all my dealings, I respect others without discrimination, and fear of God is paramount, by saying I won't compromise my integrity for anything.
What are some of the challenges you face as a procurement person in a country like ours?
The major challenge is the weak value of the Nigerian currencies and fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates, which affect the prices of commodities. Therefore, it is not easy to predict or forecast and have a perfect budget because the price of the commodities increases daily, on the other hand, we can't increase our price menu every now and then based on unstable prices because our guest satisfaction is our priority and it is paramount.
Share with us some of your childhood memories.
I was the head boy in my primary school days, which made me a very popular boy in the school, and it gave me some privileges, I used to play musical instruments, and I was a football player too.
If you were the Nigerian president, what will be your focus?
Economy stability, by having a strong value of Naira compared to foreign currencies.
How has the diversity of culture in Nigeria helped you navigate through life?
I see myself as a Nigerian first of all before thinking of the tribe I come from because the unity of Nigeria is very important. Having that in mind made it easy for me to fit in wherever I find myself in any part of the country.
Do you have a favorite colleague?
Yes, I do
If yes , who and why?
Ms. Maafei here is why: She is a very straightforward individual. She will say things as it is without fear or favour. She is cultured. She is principled and values integrity. She is dedicated to her job by making sure things are done accordingly.
What's your favourite thing to do after work?
Praying. I pray a lot. I believe in prayers